Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Yarn Along

I made my first sourdough this week. We cut the crusts off and dipped them in our soup for dinner. The rest went in the bin. It didn't rise at all for me, but the crust was crunchy and yummie. I've got another one rising (fingers crossed) in the kitchen right now, beside the dehydrator (which is making kale chips for me).  I'm feeling committed and willing to experience a few fails before I give up.
I've borrowed a new bread book, and it's much more practical then the other which started its recipe with "clear your whole day . ."
If I ever manage to clear a whole day I'm sure a socks not going to spend it kneading bread every 40 minutes.

I've finished the arms and back of my whisper. The next step is to pick up about a million stitches around the arms for the collar and body. I'm going to be super precise with this and measure and count twice before I start actually picking up anything. At least that's my plan! I'm getting itchy fingers to start another project this week too.  Seems I always need a littly on the go when I'm working on a big project.  What about you? Do you have a few on the go at a time?

Happy Knitting!


  1. Only one million? I have not made the whisper cardi yet, but it's definitely one I know I like. I hope all the stitch picking upping goes quickly for you, and that your bread rises.

    1. Both endeavors completed successfully - thank you!

  2. hi dee, your whisper looks really pretty, good luck picking up those stitches. it helps me to divide sections, picking up a certain amount in each...

  3. I would have shut the book after reading 'clear your whole day'!

    I wonder the same thing. I always have a few projects on the go too. At the moment I have a baby sweater, an adult cardigan, a sock and a baby blanket on the needles. :)

  4. Your whisper looks great! I can't believe a recipe even says to clear your whole day! That would completely end it for me right there - good luck to you on the bread.


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