Monday, 26 November 2012

Crafting On on Friday Evening.

After the little two were in bed, my big girls an I did some felt-y crafting over some peppermint tea.  Well they did some crafting, I mainly threaded needles and untangled embroidery floss(yes, that big pile of embroidery floss, it looks a little neater now, but not much). It was one of those long spring evenings and we had the doors open and they were working away so beautifully on their little projects and I could picture us in 5 years time doing exactly the same thing, only this time they can thread their own needles and make me cups of peppermint tea. I hope they will still want to when they are 12 and 13. Dubhessa made a little doll and Tadhg made a treasure purse.

When they went to bed I got to do some crafting of my own.
Presents for wee one who is turning two tomorrow.

Linking up with Nicole (for the first time ;)

1 comment:

  1. HI Dee! Those little dolls are so gargeous! Beau tells me that Dubhessa is like Mathilda (Roald dahl)- clever at everything especially reading and craft. Not surprised at all. xxxx


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